Oh Tequila, Tequila. Lovely Tequila. Why did I ever leave you?!!
I worked there for almost 10 years. In that building in Dean Street, Soho,
with it’s own bar and brilliant location. The friends, the laughs, the parties,
the cheesy Wotsits. We even did some work. What ever possessed
me to leave it all behind for a pantomime in the provinces, only to be made redundant 9 months later.
I went to the Tequila Bar last night for a leaving do. I’ve been back a lot since I left and it always feels so familiar and nice. I had a chat with the powers that be. No freelancers allowed at the moment – credit crunch and all that. No full timers needed either.
Today I just feel angry. Angry that I left a good agency for a not so great agency with a total disregard for anything other than the next pack flash.
I rang the dole. Apparently I can do a rapid reclaim.