I’ve tried to keep a sense of humour throughout this ordeal, but I’m afraid it’s beginning to wane. I haven’t worked for over a month (OK - there was Christmas in the middle) and I feel I’m in danger of saying “balls to it”, turning on the telly and watching Jeremy Vile.
It’s bad enough that I’ve become addicted to Celebrity Big Brother. Last week, the highlight of my week was watching a drunken dwarf crash a scooter into a door and declare his feelings for the helium voiced La Toya Jackson. If only I had some cash in the attic.
I fear I’m on the slippery slope to car crash TV addiction. I’m fighting this fear with a daily outing to my local park. I walk to the lake, run round it and try and guess if other people on their own are credit crunch casualties. I live in an affluent town which has been hit hard by this recession. There’s a lot of unemployed commuters here.